What is Plushophilia?

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Plushophilia, in it’s simplest form, can be described as a sexual attraction to stuffed animals or people in animal costumes. 

People who have a plushophilia fetish (some of whom may self-identify as “plushies”) are people who have developed a sexual attraction to stuffed animals. This shouldn’t be confused with zoophilia, which is the sexual attraction to live animals. 

It’s important to note that with plushophilia, the attraction or connection with stuffed animals can be (but isn’t always) an emotional one, too. Some prefer the more broad term for plushophilia to be “someone who has an intense love of stuffed animals” because not all plushies feel sexual attraction to their stuffed animals and not all people who feel attracted to stuffed animals have an emotional connection with them. 

As with many kinks and fetishes, it’s a spectrum. You can land anywhere on the grid when it comes to plushophilia. There are both sexual and non-sexual forms of plushophilia - and you can be here, there, or somewhere in between.

Non-Sexual Plushophilia 
For some people, plushophilia may be nothing more than a really large interest in stuffed toys. They may be an avid collector, they may have lots of stuffed animals from their childhood or they may simply like to relieve stress by playing with toys as a reminder of when their lives weren’t so stressful. 

Nostalgia triggers a reward pathway in our brains - so this totally makes sense. 

Plush toys can also be used in regards to age-play, where one partner enjoys entering a mental state where they pretend to be a child again. This can be, for many, an extremely stress-relieving activity. 

While age-play itself can be a sexual fetish or kink, in many situations, the toys and stuffed animals are not themselves used in a sexual way. Sometimes the stuffed animals are simply used to aid in the transition into the role of their preferred age. 

Sexual Plushophilia
When it comes to exploring yourself as a sexual being, we all start somewhere. And many of us begin our journey with masturbation. Whatever age you were when you began exploring the pleasures of your own body, did any of us really know how to masturbate in the beginning? Considering most sex shops have an “18+” rule, we couldn’t exactly go shopping for sex toys as even young teenagers who are getting more interested in sex. 

Some children begin exploring their own bodies as early as 6 or 7 years old - leaving years between self-exploration and actually having sex with another person. All of this time is spent exploring what self-pleasure is and how to do it. And for many of us, at this time in our lives, there are things around them (such as pillows or teddy bears) that we may think to use. 

Even if you started to explore your body as an older child or teenager, pillows and stuffed animals are fairly common things in the bedroom to use to help yourself orgasm (mostly by rubbing against them). 

In fact, for women, using a pillow during masturbation is quite common, even as adults. Is it really a far stretch, then, to consider that a stuffed animal could also be used? And from that experience, it really is easy to imagine attaching feelings of sexual arousal or satisfaction to the things (like pillows and teddy bears) that we’ve used in our journey of self-exploration and pleasure. 

How common is plushophilia, really? 
While we may never know for sure just how common any kink or fetish is, a lot can be said for the kind of online community certain fetishes and kinks have. 

Plushophilia, for example, has quite a large Reddit forum, with various topics from sexual preferences with plushies to what your favorite stuffed animal is, and even discussions around how to maintain your stuffed animals so they stay in good shape. You can also a large following of this fetish on Tapatalk, which has over 16k posts on over one thousand topics related to plushophilia.

How Are Plushophilia and the Furry Fandom Linked?

Well, according to many people, these two things have nothing in common. In fact, people who identify as part of the furry community may really not like being aligned with plushies and vice versa. 

What’s the difference between a plushie and a furry? 
In simple terms, a “furry” is an animal character with human characteristics and a plushie is a type of stuffed animal. Individuals who participate in the furry fandom may dress in furry fashion, whereas someone who is interested in plushophilia will be a collector of stuffed animals. 

The overlap (and confusion) here is that both furries and plushies can be of a mindset that animals have human characteristics. But for many, that is where the similarity between the two begins and ends. People from both communities often explain that they are vastly different things.

Plushophiles may feel their stuffed animals have personalities of their own similar to how people in the furry fandom believe the animal they embody also have human characteristics, but this doesn’t mean the two fetishes are all that similar.

Indeed, some people in the furry community do identify as plushies, having toy collections of their own separate from their fursona character. However, some members of both communities strive hard to separate their fetish from the other, as they are often thrown into the mix together. It’s important to distinguish differences when it comes to the kinks and fetishes people have because each person has their own unique tastes and desires that shouldn’t be undercut by something that is similar but not quite the same.

For more information on furries, you can read this article. 

The Psychology of Plushophilia

While I’ve explained how things like pillows and stuffed animals could be useful to young people exploring their bodies for the first time, let’s take the sexual attraction part out of the equation for just one moment. 

I want you to think about something (a physical thing) that you have had for a very long time. It could be a stuffed animal, sure - but it could also be an old piece of fabric, the key from your first car that is still on your keychain, your wedding dress that’s tucked away in storage or an old boyfriend’s sweater that you just can’t seem to let go of.

These are things that have sentimental value to you. You’re attached to them. Maybe even attracted to them. They make you feel safe. They remind you of better times, happier times, simpler times. You’ve attached meaning to these things. Perhaps not in a sexual way, but they are things that you feel connected to even though they are just things. 

Of course, not all plushies have specific stuffed animals that they’ve had for years that they are connected to - but some do. And when you begin to understand the emotional value we place on objects, you can begin to understand how sometimes that value can have a hint of sex appeal, too.

There is nothing wrong or weird or “too out there” about being attracted to stuffed animals. Some people think cars are sexy, some people want to be slapped and choked during sex and other people are attracted to stuffed animals. Everyone has their own thing, and really, when it comes to why we like what we like, sometimes there isn’t a pin on our life’s map that we can point to and say - here...this is where it started. 

Of course, sometimes there is. Like that wild night with a French-Canadian guy that piqued my interest in language kinks. That left a mark on my desire map. You can listen to me gush about my lust for languages on the Sofia Gray podcast here.

Maybe, as a young person, you remember masturbating with one specific stuffed animal, and, because of this, you attach a certain type of feeling to that stuffed animal. Or maybe you don’t. Not everyone who has used pillows or toys to masturbate continues to do so as they get older - but some people do. 

When it comes to why people participate in certain kinks or fetishes, there are a plethora of reasons that spring to mind for each. It varies depending on the individual. However, there are some common themes you see among the plushophilia community…

It could be a collector thing. 
According to this Psychology Today article on the topic, many people who consider themselves plushies got into it because they enjoyed collecting stuffed animals. Being a collector is an exciting thing, and for some, the excitement of collecting is what they thrive on. 

“A common practice among plushophiles who are serious collectors is to purchase two of each plushie - one for display and to use (for whatever purpose) and one to keep safe and preserved.” 

It could be a care-free thing. 
Remember when you were little and you fell asleep in a bed full of stuffed animals and other toys. You were care-free. You didn’t have the responsibilities of a high-demand job, the stress of providing for a family, the overwhelming emotions that come with watching the news in the 21st century. 

For many plushophiles, the excitement of stuffed animals comes from the release. It comes from being able to act childish again, forget responsibilities, and just do what you want to do. 

Sometimes the reasons are a bit more complex. 
Depending on the person, the sexual stimulation and plush toys may arise from a fantasy - but the plush toys may also just be something the person uses to masturbate with, like any other sex toy. 

Some plushophiles modify the stuffed animal to make it more sexually accessible while others simply use it to rub against during masturbation. Similarly, some consider their plushies to have spirits or personalities, and some just like incorporating the toy into their sex life. The reasons for this (and any) fetish can be vast and entirely unique to each person who partakes. 

You may not fully understand it yourself - and that’s okay. 
When it comes to kinks and fetishes, as I said - sometimes you can point to a life event or special erotic encounter and say: this is when I started liking this. But sometimes you can’t. Sometimes you find yourself attracted and aroused by things you don’t quite understand yet, and that’s really okay. 

If you find that you are having feelings (whether it be about plushies or something else you don’t understand), you can always speak with a sex therapist about your thoughts, questions, and concerns.

Resources for Plushophiles

If you find this article has piqued your interest - you may be a plushophile...and that’s okay! It can be a bit daunting to come to terms with kinks and fetishes that you enjoy, especially when they aren’t mainstream. I mean - everyone likes a spank now and then but not everyone likes to be burned with fire, shocked with electricity, or incorporating stuffed animals into their sex life. 

None of these things are bad - believe me. 

Everyone has the right to their tastes as long as things are consensual and legal - so I wanted to compile some resources for people who may be interested in this fetish. 

Plushophilia Reddit Forum
A place for plushophiles to unite. This massive online forum has tons of 18+ discussions about plushophilia. It’s a great place to go if you’re looking to feel welcomed into a fetish community and want to know more about it.

Plushies Reddit Forum
Described as “a place for cuddle inanimate objects”, the “plushies” forum is a great place to go if you’d like to show off your new stuffed animals, talk about them or get to know others who are in the plushie community. Some conversations here are 18+. 

Stuffed Animal Collector Club - Fanpop
This collector’s club isn’t 18+, it’s more “safe” - allowing users to show off their new plush toys and even vote for ones they find cute. This is very much a general community that focuses on collecting and maintaining toys.

Stuffed Animal Collector Forum
For those who collect stuffed animals and would like to meet other collectors or like-minded people, there are tons of forums like this one where you can talk about buying, trading, selling, and using your stuffed animals. This doesn’t necessarily have to be 18+, as there are general plush-toy tips, but there are some conversations that are sexual in nature.

All About Plushies - TapaTalk
This is a great place if you’re new to the topic and would like more information from other people who feel the same way you do about this fetish. You can find intimate discussions and advice on how to join the plushophile community. This is 18+, of course.

MLP Plushie Forum
This forum is a place where bronies (fans of the My Little Pony series), furries, and plushies can meet in harmony if that’s something you’re interested in. All to talk about your favorite plushies, animals, and personas. 

Planet Coaster Plushies Forum
This is a fun place to talk about plushies and other related things with people who are likeminded and enjoy promoting their own stuffed animal collections. Topics range from mascots to toy collections to plushophilia. 

FoxWolfie Galen’s Page
Information about kinks and fetishes from people who are actually into those kinks and fetishes themselves are always better than reading about it from someone who’s never tried it, right? Find all you need to know about entering the world of plushies on this self-proclaimed plushophile’s website.

Katharine Gates’ Kink Map 
This is similar to FoxWolfie Galen’s page, but it’s a more generalized look at plushophilia and the terms that are often used in this community. She has also actually interviewed FoxWolfie Galen before! 

Along with these resources, you can also take some initiative and start a community yourself, if you’re feeling comfortable enough in it. You can search for “plushophile” or related terms on social media sites like Twitter and build your own community of kinky friends.

I highly suggest searching online for plushie-related porn as well - not only to indulge in a kind of porn that arouses and excites you but because the comment sections of niche-porn videos can be a really great place to meet like-minded people.

Plushophiles, Unite

If you aren’t at the stage in your kinky journey where you feel comfortable enough to live your kink out loud, that is more than okay. Each of us has our own journey with ourselves, our bodies and our desires. It’s not always easy to accept yourself and the things you want, especially when your wants aren’t considered “mainstream”. 

Although I myself am not a plushophile, I do have some rather eclectic tastes that have made me feel like an outsider. Kink-shaming is still, unfortunately, a very real thing in our society. 

When you’re ready, you absolutely should stand proud to like what you like and want what you want. Like I said before - as long as it’s consensual and legal, you’re totally fine. But that’s a lot easier said than done. In the meantime, you can work on accepting yourself and loving parts of yourself that want things that may be a bit unique. Acceptance starts with you. 

And I cannot stress the importance of community when you’re struggling with something. I’ve joined countless online communities from people who have lost a parent to mothers raising children with autism to people who enjoy erotic e-stimulation...and each one of those online communities has helped me acknowledge, accept and navigate areas of my life that I, at one point, found very confusing.

Even if you’re not ready to live your kink out loud, there is still something to be said about anonymously joining a community of like-minded people. 

It feels nice to fit in, to feel as though you’re in a place where other people understand your desires and urges when the rest of the world may not. When it comes to kinks and fetishes online, it’s relatively easy to find people who want the same things you do and are also looking for someone to share that with. 

Whether you are searching for a dating partner who has the same kinks or fetishes or just wanting to find online friends who understand you and don’t judge you for what you like, there is strength in community, especially when it comes to intimate topics such as sexual kinks, fetishes, and desires.